HackTheBox 'Delivery' Writeup

OS: Linux Difficulty: Easy Points: 10 The nmap scan shows an open SSH and HTTP port. On the corresponding website we can find a Helpdesk Application and a Mattermost. To actually access the helpdesk.delivery.htb server, the IP and servername has to be added to /etc/host on the local machine. Mattermost can be accessed over the URL http://:8065. Go to the support center and “Open a new Ticket”, upon submit you get an E-Mail Address associated with your ticket 7493836@delivery....

March 28, 2021

HackTheBox 'Ready' Writeup

OS: Linux Difficulty: Medium Points: 30 Release: 12 Dec 2020 Initial Access Nmap shows an open ssh and onscreen port. With the Onscreenport :5080 a website hosting Gitlab can be accessed. A short google search reveals a fitting CVE, https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/49257. Download the code, register a user, gather the necessary data and run the script to get a shell with the git user. To get a prettier shell, run spawn shell python3 -c "import pty;pty....

March 23, 2021